Children's Parliament to support UN Climate Conference


A virtual Children's Parliament is being held at 5pm on Friday 29th October 2021 ahead of the COP26 United Nations Climate Change conference.  

650 Child MPs, from primary schools across the UK, made up of children between 7 and 11 years of age (next term), will be debating their views on a range of issues including climate change, the Covid-19 response and technology. 

 Microsoft and online educational content curator Wakelet are delivering the platform for the children to use for this unique experience.  

Ceredigion MP, Ben Lake, is encouraging children in Ceredigion to take part, and has written to local primary schools to encourage pupil participation.  

Mr Lake said: 

“I am keen to ensure as much community engagement as possible with November’s COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. 

“It is especially important that young people are able to voice their opinions, and that policymakers take them into account when making decisions that will have a significant bearing on their future. To this end I am pleased that the Children’s Parliament initiative will give children this opportunity, and I encourage schools in Ceredigion to nominate pupils to become a Child MP for the day, so that they can convey their views and those of their friends to the discussion on the future of the planet.” 

Children will be asked to join a live-streamed Microsoft Teams call with other children from around the UK to talk about sustainability and climate change. Children nominated therefore need to be comfortable appearing on camera, and a selected few children will also have the opportunity speak on behalf of their class and constituency in the live event. 

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  • Carys Lloyd
    published this page in News 2021-07-28 16:01:59 +0100

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