Ben Lake MP and Elin Jones AM are currently receiving many constituency enquiries about coronavirus related to employment rights, benefits, business support, travel, food, retail, cancellations, education and lots more.
We've collated some useful links of reliable information that might help constituents who are in need of advice and support. We will keep this list updated as often as possible.
It’s really important to follow guidance from official and reputable sources. These pages should be used as primary sources of information, rather than news websites or social media.
The Welsh Government has a webpage for all of its coronavirus information.
The UK Government has published a guide for individuals and business in Wales. It has also published an explanation of the powers in the coronavirus emergency legislation, which will apply in Wales.
Ceredigion County Council
View the latest information on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) from Ceredigion
List of resources and support networks available across Ceredigion:
Your Health
NHS Wales, Coronavirus COVID-19 Symptom Checker
Welsh Government, Check if you need coronavirus medical help
Public Health Wales, Guidance for people with confirmed or possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection
UK Government, Stay at home: guidance for households with possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection
Mind, Coronavirus and your wellbeing (mental health)
Healthcare professionals
UK Government, Investigation and initial clinical management of possible cases
UK Government, Guidance for health professionals
Public Health England, Guidance for Primary Care
Social Distancing
Welsh Government, How to reduce the risk of catching or spreading coronavirus
UK Government, Guidance on social distancing for everyone in Wales and protecting older people and vulnerable adults
General Information on UK Government Support
Support people affected by COVID-19
Support businesses experiencing increases in costs or financial disruptions
UK Government, Guidance for employees
ACAS, Coronavirus: advice for employers and employees
Welsh Government, Guidance to employers and businesses on COVID-19
Business Wales (Welsh Government) A package of support worth more than £200m for small businesses to help them during the coronavirus outbreak
Development Bank of Wales, 3-month capital and monitoring fee repayment holiday for all customers
Welsh Government, Rural Payments Wales (RPW): coronavirus (COVID-19)
Business Wales (Welsh Government)Government support to businesses
- Support for businesses who are paying sick pay to employees - UK Government
- Support for businesses that pay business rates - UK Government
- Support for businesses that pay little or no business rates - UK Government
- Support for businesses through the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme - UK Government
- Support for larger firms through the COVID-19 Corporate Financing Facility - UK Government
- Support for businesses paying tax - UK Government
- Insurance - UK Government
HMRC tax helpline
HMRC has set up a helpline for businesses and self-employed people who are concerned about paying their tax due to COVID-19.
Call 0800 0159 559 for help and advice.
Support from utilities providers
Government agrees measures with energy industry to support vulnerable people through COVID-19: click here for further information
UK Government, Mobile networks remove data charges for online NHS coronavirus advice (18 March)
Wales and West Utilities, Covid-19 Update (14 March)
British Gas, Coronavirus updates
Virgin Media, Covid-19 updates
EDF Energy, Coronavirus FAQs
Npower, Coronavirus updates
BT, Our response to coronavirus
Royal Mail, Coronavirus update (20 March)
Food and retail
UK Government, Government to grant permission for pubs and restaurants to operate as takeaways as part of coronavirus response (17 March)– the Welsh Government confirmed that this is the case in Wales too
Welsh Government, Relaxation of planning enforcement related to supermarket deliveries (13 March)
British Retail Consortium, Food retailers reassure customers and ask them to buy responsibly (15 March)
Aldi, Aldi’s response to COVID-19
Asda, Steps we have taken in response to the Coronavirus outbreak and Don’t shop this Friday before 9am (18 and 19 March)
Morrisons, An important update on Coronavirus
Sainsbury’s, Working to feed the nation (18 March)
Tesco, COVID-19: A message to our customers (18 March)
UK Government, Managing the impact of COVID-19 on Pubs Code interactions with tied pub tenants
Welsh GovernmentGuidance for social or community care and residential settings
UK Government, Guidance on home care provision
Carers UK, Guidance for carers
Welsh Government, What to do if someone in your household has symptoms of coronavirus
Education and child care
18.3.2020 - Schools close early for Easter - Welsh Government
Guidance to educational settings - Welsh Government
Travel guidance for education settings and students - Welsh Government
Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Coronavirus – information hub for families and children
Welsh Government, Educational settings guidance
Welsh Government, School travel guidance
Public Health Wales, Guidance for schools
Traveline Cymru / Coach travel
Transport for Wales, Rail
UK Government, Overseas Travel advice
UK Government, COVID-19: Guidance for staff in the transport sector
UK Government, Temporary relaxation of the enforcement of the drivers’ hours rules: delivery of essential items to consumers
UK Government, Driving tests and theory tests
UK Government, COVID-19: Shipping and ports guidance
Civil Aviation Authority, Guidance on consumer law for airlines in the context of COVID-19
Transport for Wales, Travelling with us – Your safety and wellbeing during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
- Emergency legislation to suspend new evictions from social or private rented accommodation while this national emergency is taking place
- No new possession proceedings through applications to the court to start during the crisis
- Landlords will also be protected as 3 month mortgage payment holiday is extended to Buy to Let mortgages
Click here for more information
Personal finance
Universal Credit, Coronavirus and claiming benefits
UK Government, Statutory Sick Pay
Citizens Advice, Problems getting to or topping up your prepayment meter
Step Change, Debt Charity, Debt and Coronavirus
Step Change, Debt Charity, Coronavirus and your finances
Step Change, Debt Charity, Coronavirus, claiming benefits and SSP
Step Change, Debt Charity, What help is available from creditors
- Mortgages
- Credit Cards
- Overdraft
UK Government, Courts and tribunals planning and preparation
UK Government, Visit someone in prison
NCVO, Your organisation and coronavirus
WCVA, Emergency fast track loans for voluntary organisations (13 March)