Help in the community


A large number of people across Ceredigion have been working extremely hard over the last 10 days setting up local volunteer groups to support vulnerable and self-isolating people in our communities.

Ben Lake MP and his team want to share as much information as possible with those vulnerable people who get in touch with his office, and as such we are currently gathering as much information as possible about the local volunteer networks and their contact details.

If you're a local co-ordinator or you have information about a local volunteer group, please contact via email: [email protected]

We are also very grateful to all those local businesses who have adapted their service at short notice so that food and goods can be delivered to people's homes. A list of these businesses are available on Ceredigion County Council's website:

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Elin Jones and Ben Lake work for everyone who lives in Ceredigion. Show your support and help them in their work to ensure a better Ceredigion, today.