Ceredigion MP and MS welcome announcement of new broadband pilot scheme launched in Ceredigion

The UK Government’s Broadband Upgrade Fund campaign has launched this week to help businesses, employees and countryside communities take advantage of all the benefits associated with faster and more reliable internet connections. Ceredigion is one of seven counties across the UK chosen as part of this broadband pilot scheme launched by the UK Government.

Rural residents or businesses in Ceredigion may be eligible for a voucher to support the cost of gigabit-capable broadband in your area. Gigabit-capable broadband connections offer the fastest and most reliable speeds available, making things like streaming movies, downloading files, and video calls much easier. 

Rural premises with broadband speeds of less than 100Mbps will be entitled to a voucher worth £1,500 per home while small to medium-sized business can get up to £3,500 for to support the cost of installing new fast and reliable connections. Funding is only available when used in group projects and groups can be a mix of residents and businesses; just residents or just businesses. 

Some premises and business across Ceredigion will also be able to benefit from the Welsh Government's top-up voucher scheme, taking the potential funding for individual premises up to £3,000 and up to £7,000 for businesses.

Responding to the announcement Ben Lake MP said: 

Fast, reliable broadband for local homes and businesses is not a luxury, it is essential. It is a necessity for our local businesses and for those in isolated villages to remain connected. Poor broadband has been an issue that has plagued Ceredigion for many years, with disparate levels of service across the county. 

“I have campaigned ceaselessly on this issue, raising it repeatedly with the UK Government. I therefore welcome the announcement that premises across Ceredigion will be able to benefit from this newly launched Broadband Upgrade Fund pilot scheme."

Elin Jones MSadded:

“I encourage all premises and businesses currently not able to access high-speed broadband to take advantage of this additional funding. Whilst I hope to see swift and substantial progress over the next few months in response to this scheme, we must keep up the pressure on BT, Openreach, Broadband Delivery UK and all levels of government to secure full superfast broadband across Ceredigion. That means continuing the roll-out of high-speed broadband for all homes, including those in hard-to-reach rural areas.” 

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