£10.8M to Improve Aberystwyth Prom and Castle

Ceredigion County Council have been successful with an application for £10.8 million from the Community Prosperity Funding grant to make improvements along the seafront area from the Harbour to the Pier and to the Old College. Among the improvements will be a safe pedestrian zone and a new cycle path which will go from the Pier to the Harbour and will join the National Cycle Path which, at the moment, only reaches Trefechan


A message from Ceredigion County Council Cabinet:

As Ceredigion County Council Cabinet, we decided this week to approve changes in the parking and traffic management system along Aberystwyth's seafront. It was not an easy decision and frustration was expressed about the whole process, but after discussing the public consultation which outlined the possible changes in the parking spaces, we decided to ask the officers to proceed with the work on until Prom y De in order to carry out a project that has been underway by the Council since 2021.

The main reason for deciding to go ahead with the parking changes was the fact that in 2021 the Council was successful with an application for £10.8 million from the Community Prosperity Funding grant to make improvements along the seafront area from the Harbour to the Pier and to the Old College.

Among the improvements will be a safe pedestrian zone and a new cycle path which will go from the Pier to the Harbour and will join the National Cycle Path which, at the moment, only reaches Trefechan. Unfortunately to enable a new cycle path and a safe pavement for pedestrians it is necessary to widen the pavement and the only way to do that is to lose parking spaces as the castle wall cannot be moved and there is no option to build out to sea. The intention is to encourage people to enjoy Bae Ceredigion by walking, jogging or cycling along the whole Prom but we realise that this will lead to inconvenience and dissatisfaction among some drivers in the short term and we have received a number of calls not to re-organise.

We have heard and listened to people's calls, read the objections and the petition and we understand that there is disappointment among local businesses and consumers because of our decision and it has been a difficult process for us as Cabinet in reaching a decision BUT we are confident these changes will lead to benefits for businesses and more walkers and cyclists enjoying South Prom.

Keith Henson Cabinet Member for Highways, Environmental Services and Carbon Management: "Employees and visitors to Aberystwyth will be able to use the route along the prom knowing they are safe without having to use the road. It will create an opportunity for residents to walk from one end of Aberystwyth to the other being able to use all the businesses that are located along this magnificent promenade. Also, the ability to enjoy the harbour and the boats that use it."

£10.8 million of grant is very significant money for Aberystwyth town, and Ceredigion, and among many other elements expenditure from the Levelling Up Fund grant will go on the Castle site in order to make this valuable monument attractive and safe by installing better lighting , tidying up paths and repairing the bridges.

As Clive Davies, Cabinet member in charge of the Economy and Development explains: "With an investment of £10.8m in Aberystwyth for the further development of the town's southern Prom, this is an opportunity to start tackling some of the issues raised by the town, development of the castle grounds, footpaths, cycle paths and lighting across the area including the memorial. Alongside this in the context of parking, the Maes-yr-Afon car park can be extended to the old Arriva site with the potential to increase the spaces available by over 150 which gives close access to the town centre."

It is worth reiterating that although there will be parking spaces lost on South Prom, there will be a large number of additional parking spaces created and provided in Maes yr Afon which is as close to the town centre as is South Prom.

We believe these changes will beautify South Prom, make that whole area easy to walk, jog and cycle along and encourage active travel and healthy lifestyles.

“When you put all this together it amounts to a hugely more attractive promenade for pedestrians, cyclists and wheelchair users – everyone who uses it and those that don’t yet - that will link the Old College and the town centre to the coming developments at the harbour, creating a more coherently linked town, castle and promenade." Alun Williams, Cabinet member and Councillor for Morfa Glais. 

In addition, a significant portion of the Levelling Up Fund grant will go to support the work on the Old College in order to transform the building and make it an exciting attraction for the town and an asset that will make a significant contribution to the economy locally.

Clive Davies again: "In the medium and long term, by using the money from this fund, we will see the work on the Old College site and the Cambria building completed. Various galleries, conference and exhibition spaces will attract there will be more visitors and income to Aberystwyth. I want to see it become a wider business destination and provide a base for further work and development towards the town's marina area."

The truth is that the UK Government don’t give councils £10.8 million without very solid and evidenced reasons that make sense in terms of the big economic picture that we’re all so concerned about and which ultimately everyone’s livelihood comes from. They’ve had to be fully convinced of the economic case and we cannot jeopardise that sum, and people certainly wouldn’t forgive us from losing £10.8 million for the Ceredigion economy with all the opportunities for the future it will release.

Bryan Davies, Leader of Ceredigion County Council: "Not only will the £10.8m be an investment for Aberystwyth, but it is also an investment for Ceredigion and the hope is that it will attract much needed private investment to the town on for the future. During a financially challenging period, we need to take advantage of the chance to get grant funding from the UK government as Community Prosperity Funds”.

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  • Matt Adams
    published this page in News 2024-05-21 10:00:08 +0100
  • Matt Adams
    published this page in News 2024-05-18 08:45:15 +0100

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