Rail fares increase despite poor record on customer satisfaction and cancellations

The Welsh Government has announced that rail fares in Wales will increase by 4.9% to meet rising costs.

The rise was justified as being able to make investments in rail services across south Wales, while passengers in mid and west Wales are missing out again.

Plaid Cymru have again called for Wales to be given the £3.9bn owed from HS2 consequentials in a bid to invest in rail infrastructure and other public transport across Wales and ensure parity for communities.

Responding to the announcement from Welsh Government, Plaid Cymru MP for Ceredigion said:

“Passengers on the Cambrian Line are still waiting for Transport for Wales to deliver on their promises of new carriages and increased services between Aberystwyth and Shrewsbury, so it’s hard to understand how the Labour Government can justify a 4.9% increase in rail fares.

“Even more perplexing is the expectation for passengers to pay, despite the recent pledge of an additional £125 million by the Welsh Government to Transport for Wales’s budget this year. While they may justify this as an investment in rail services in the south, those in mid Wales are missing out yet again.

“We also desperately need the UK Government to release the £3.9bn denied to Wales from England’s HS2 to invest in public transport infrastructure across Wales and ensure parity between communities.”

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  • Elain Roberts
    published this page in News 2024-02-09 11:14:44 +0000

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