Anger over Lloyds Bank closure in Tregaron

Ceredigion’s AM, Elin Jones, and the County Councillor for Tregaron, Catherine Hughes, have spoken of their anger that Lloyds Bank in Tregaron, the last permanent bank in the town, is set to close.


A spokesman for Lloyds Bank said that the Tregaron branch will close in March 2017. The bank, which already has reduced hours and restricted opening times, has said that all customer accounts will be moved to Lampeter, over 10 miles away. It has also been confirmed that a mobile branch service would be provided in Tregaron, although no route or timetable have yet been confirmed.

Elin Jones AM said,

“The decision is a big disappointment to Tregaron, which has seen all of its other bank branches close in recent years. I'm glad that the bank has acknowledged that there is sufficient need for a mobile bank, but this will never be able to replace the service provided by a full branch.

“I will write to the area manager and make representations on behalf of Tregaron, and urge that there needs to be clear communication with their customers on this issue. This means that customers must be fully informed of the banks reasoning behind the decision, and that the schedule of the mobile bank is planned with the community.

“The convenience of services for customers in Tregaron is a real concern, and Lloyds must do all it can to allay these fears.”

Cllr Catherine Hughes said,

“This is the third bank to close in Tregaron in recent years, and we’ve also seen the Post Office move. It’s important that we make our views known to the providers of these services, and the best way to do that is to make full use of them.

“I urge everyone to use our Post Office as well as the mobile services, although we would much rather the permanent branches. We need to show that there is still a call in Tregaron for their services, and in doing so, emphasise the case for them to remain in the town.”

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