Cost of Living Support

With so many pressures on our household finances and increased stress levels as a result, you may find that you’re in need of some form of additional support this winter.

There is a lot of information and support available, and here are a few of the main sources as a starting point.  

There is financial support available from the Government:
Get help with the cost of living | GOV.WALES

Ceredigion County Council provides information and support on its website:

Cost of Living Support - Ceredigion County Council


The Citizens Advice Bureau has a wealth of information about different aspects of the cost-of-living crisis, and they can also offer advice and support on managing debts:
Get help with the cost of living - Home (
Or call 03444 772 020

There are a number of food banks available across the county. Anyone who can’t afford to buy food can visit the food bank to receive support. To find your nearest one, please visit:
Food Support - Ceredigion County Council

There are also a number of warm hubs across Ceredigion, offering a safe and warm space that you can spend time in, and meet with others. To find your nearest warm hub visit:    

Ceredigion Warm Welcome Spaces Winter 2023-24 – Google My Maps

If you find that you need to talk to someone, there is also emotional and wellbeing support available:


24/7 helpline 0800 132 737


24/7 helpline 116 123

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  • Carys Lloyd
    published this page in Campaigns 2022-10-28 15:35:48 +0100

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